
Acknowledging that cyber crime continues to pose serious economic challenges to our country and that cyber security is now essential component in a country’s security its necessary to bring together the professionals in this field for a common goal of knowledge sharing


1. Organize conferences, seminars and educational programmes;
2. Publish online newsletters, monthly journals, books and articles on cyber security, cyber Forensics and electronic evidence management;
3. Research in cyber forensics practices and related matters in the country;
4. Networking with both regional and international related bodies in promoting and developing progressive cyber security practices globally;
5. Championing capacity building amongst the law-enforcement agencies, judiciary, prosecution and the private sector through providing digital forensics training;
6. To carry out consultancy services on cyber security and digital forensics.

1. To arrange, promote, train and facilitate discussions in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics with allied professions in the form of seminars, conferences and educational programmes and through any other method that the association may find within their goals.
2. To promote the education and expand the knowledge and skills of its members in the fields of information systems security and digital forensics;
3. To encourage knowledge sharing on information security and digital forensics techniques, approaches, ethical standards and problem solving by and among its members;
4. To emphasize the need of establishing control policies, regulations and legislation necessary to ensure there is cyber security in Kenya and shall offer assistance and advice on problems related to cyber security and forensics to the government, allied professions and relevant stakeholders.
5. To promote inter-professional collaboration with other professional bodies within and without the country;
6. To promote and protect the welfare and interests of the cyber security and cyber forensics profession;
7. To conduct cyber security and forensics awareness campaign amongst the three arms of government as well as county governments;
8. To encourage and assist publications by its members in journals and periodicals and shall encourage members to initiate research and work that are geared towards the development of cyber security and forensics in Kenya;
9. To apply any gainful proceeds of the association to members based on merit of performance by the members;